Our flight left at 6:15am from Tel Aviv.  Last glimpses of Israel from the air.  We boarded the bus for the airport at midnight and rode for around 2 hours to get there.  We went through line after line after line to get through customs and immigration and checking our bags, and blah blah blah.  It all went smoothly enough though and we were on time for our boarding.

When we arrived in Vienna we stepped off the plane and immediately into another line to go through another security checkpoint.  We waited and waited and managed to get everyone through the checkpoint in time to get directly onto the next plane to Chicago.  No bathroom break, no food, just the checkpoint and get on the next plane.  Made for a very long flight, and 2 hours longer than on the way to Vienna because we were not having the benefit of the jet stream.

We landed in Chicago and had to leave to get to another terminal, which meant going through security yet again after being received into the country through line after line after line of waiting.  It was exhausting.  We got to the new terminal and finally got our bags checked and through security. There was enough time between the flights that we got to get some food.  We landed back in Indy around 8:30pm, having gained 7 hours on the way.

It was surreal to be back home.  I love my own bed!  Evan and I slept pretty hard and are now back on our normal sleep schedule OK.  I keep dreaming about touring places and I’m confused when I wake up! Tomorrow is back to work.  I feel rested and ready and I’m looking forward to it!

A few things that travelers to the Holy Land may want to consider bringing because we found them quite helpful.

  • An extra backpack for the day trips
  • 2 26oz. Collapsible water bottles each that can clip to you somehow so your hands can be free if needed.
  • a wallet you can wear around your neck that holds money, passport, phone, and your room key.  Can wear it under your shirt to avoid pickpockets.
  • walking sticks for the hiking
  • sink formulated tide packets for laundry
  • Israel electric plug adapters, not converters.
  • snacks for in-between times, in airports or while touring.
  • blister remedies and any meds you might need like NyQuil and Advil and tums etc.  Several in our crew had tummy issues with the food.

Those are the ones I can think of right off hand.  And now, one last thing that I want to remember and the crew that went with me will totally understand….Mike-isms.

  • Are you with me?
  • Are you with me so far?
  • I’m going to give you a prize.
  • Good morning America!
  • Come on down!
  • and not from Mike, but the street vendors, “6 for $20”

Ok, that about wraps it up!  If you have questions or comments, please let me know, I’m happy to chat about the trip when I can. Thanks all, for your interest in reading and for all the prayers. Signing off!  Peace, or should I say…Shalom. : )